How to Prepare to Enter Treatment for My Addiction

How to Prepare to Enter Treatment for My Addiction

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    If you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking about entering addiction treatment. Entering treatment is a huge step that can save your life and help you get on the path to a better one. Before committing to treatment, however, there are some things you need to know about how it works and what you need to do to prepare.

    Building a Support System

    First, you should know that a support system is crucial to your recovery. Your support system should consist of people who can help you through treatment, such as family members, friends, and other loved ones. Your support system should also include people who will not enable your addiction. For example, a therapist or sponsor may be able to offer emotional support. 

    Ideally, your support system may be able to help with tasks like childcare as you undergo treatment. They may be able to help with transportation so that transportation issues don’t impact your ability to access treatment. If you have someone nearby who can handle cleaning and repair tasks at home while you’re away, this will allow for a smoother transition back into daily life after rehab. This will prevent additional stressors from distracting you from healing and subsequently hindering progress.

    Staying Committed to Treatment

    Staying committed to treatment is the key to your recovery. You can do this by developing a relapse prevention plan and asking for help when you need it. Your treatment team can help with this. Other professionals like therapists and support groups can help you develop and stick to a plan as well.

    After completing treatment, you should also make sure to avoid old friends, places, and things that trigger your addiction. Avoiding triggers will also make it easier for you to stay sober in the future and avoid relapses altogether!

    Being honest with yourself about why you started using drugs or alcohol in the first place will help reduce the chances of relapse. As you complete your treatment, being honest about what triggered your addiction will enable you to recognize when these same triggers come up again. 

    Establishing Healthy Routines

    One of the most important things you can do as you prepare to enter treatment is to establish healthy routines. When you’re addicted, your life becomes a roller coaster ride that leaves you feeling anxious and disconnected from the present moment. You may not be able to get out of bed in the morning, let alone go to work. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to start taking control of your life by establishing healthy patterns and rituals.

    For example, try going for a walk every morning before work or school and write in a journal about how you feel. Establishing routines like these will help ground yourself in the present moment while also providing structure in your daily life. Healthy routines might have previously been lacking due to addiction.

    Developing a Relapse Prevention Plan

    As previously stated, once you’ve completed your assessment and identified the type of addiction you have, it’s important to develop a relapse prevention plan. This plan should include:

    #1. A List of High-Risk Situations That May Trigger a Relapse

    For example, if you are an alcoholic who has been sober for three months, attending social events with friends or family members who drink alcohol would be considered a potentially risky situation. The goal is not to avoid all social interactions. Rather, it’s important to find ways to protect yourself from feeling uncomfortable or anxious in these situations. This could mean having someone else drive you home after dinner. It could mean asking if food can be served without alcohol at holiday get-togethers where people tend to drink excessively.

    #2. People You Can Call On in Times of Need

    One time of need would be when going through withdrawal symptoms. Another would be when you’re having cravings or feelings of anxiety when around substances or individuals associated with using substances. It’s best if these support people know about your addiction recovery and how they can support you during difficult moments. 

    #3. Potential Triggers That Might Lead Back to Using Substances or Relapsing

    This should include certain locations where you used alcohol or drugs. That way, these situations can be avoided altogether. At the very least, you can be prepared ahead of time by thinking through ways of coping with them effectively.

    Take Responsibility for Your Recovery

    As you begin to prepare for treatment, it is important to remember that the only person who can make your recovery happen is you. You cannot expect others to do it for you. Taking responsibility for your recovery means accepting the fact that no one else has all of the answers or can understand what it’s like inside of your mind and body.

    You will also need a robust support system in place before entering treatment. Having others around who care about you and want what’s best can help immensely during this process. They won’t be able to do it alone, though, without a strong commitment from you. And neither should they be expected to carry all of the weight on their shoulders.

    You must be honest with yourself about how much your powerlessness over addiction has impacted your life so far. As well, you should be honest with yourself that in order for treatment to be effective, you can’t still be using any substances. Seeking a holistic, compassionate treatment center like Villa Oasis San Diego is a great first step in changing your life for the better. Begin your rise today!

    If you are ready to get help, one of the first steps is to prepare for treatment. This means building a support system, establishing healthy routines, and developing a relapse prevention plan. Taking the step to get help can be scary. By starting to prepare now, you can create a healthy foundation and have a good mindset going into treatment. When you put these systems in place before treatment, it will remove some of the stress on you during treatment. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction and might be ready to start receiving help, we want to give you any information you are looking for. For more information, call Villa Oasis San Diego at (619) 373-9792.

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