Why Is the Length of Time Important in Residential Treatment?

Why Is the Length of Time Important in Residential Treatment?

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    It’s common to wonder how long your residential treatment stay will be. Stop wondering. Stop asking. Some of the residents ask questions because maybe they need to take off from work or explain why there will be away from friends and family. Regardless of why you ask the question, have you wondered if it matters?

    The Importance of Time in Residential Treatment

    It goes like this, the length of time in treatment helps you prepare yourself to handle the challenges during and after recovery. Residential treatment prepares you in the best way possible, but preparation takes time. Although, this is only for the rest of your life. So you must have a little bit of time for that, right?

    For example, when you’re cooking a turkey, you’re not going to throw a frozen turkey in the oven and expect it to be its best in an hour. No, you have to cook the turkey all day. It takes time. Just like your recovery, the length of stay in residential treatment requires time. You don’t want to eliminate the toxins from your body and be thrown out to fend for yourself. Lasting recovery requires preparation and requires skill development.

    So ask yourself, how important is the length of time you spend on investing in yourself? When you go through residential treatment, various challenges will come up. Regardless of your situation or what substance you struggle with, the challenges of rebuilding your life require dedication, balance, and preparation.

    Recovery Tests of Time

    Think of this as preparing for a test. First, you choose the course to study, then begin with various textbooks, teachings, and applications to install into your brain before the test occurs – you are preparing yourself to ace that test before it even arrives. Finally, once the test comes, you apply the skills and knowledge acquired from the previous courses and use them to obtain the best grade possible.

    Residential treatment is very similar. The more dedication and determination you put into your recovery journey, whether it’s skills building, or behavioral changes, it takes commitment, determination, and development. You may get the hang of certain recovery elements right away, but using your newfound skills in real-world applications is an entirely different subject.

    Using Skills in the “Real World”

    When returning to the world substance-free, you’re going to notice various triggers and situations that could cause you to relapse. Take full advantage of developing your skills and practicing them with our family. You can then apply them when one of the situations arises after treatment. We guarantee challenges are going to happen.

    Essentially the amount of time you spend will depend on you. When you develop all the skills in residential treatment, regardless of how long it takes, you’re setting yourself up for lasting recovery. So quit asking how long it’s going to take.

    Taking Advantage of Time in Residential Treatment and Surpassing Recovery Challenges

    Many residents feel that a short, intensive program could save them time. Just like the other choices you’ve made, you would probably be wrong. Everyone’s situation is different. The length of time is vital in residential treatment because it is a controlled environment to rebirth you into the best you. You will be like a newborn baby, innocent and vulnerable to everything. The differences you will change your diapers from now on.

    On average, many residents will typically stay in residential treatment for 30 to 45 days. However, there are situations where the treatment may take longer because of the resident’s unique healing adjustments. For example, one individual may get through the 30 to 45 days; another could take 90 days or longer because they had to address underlying medical health conditions.

    Now we’re not saying that your time spent in residential treatment will surpass 90 days or even 30 to 45 days. Still, it is crucial to sustain your recovery when you return home. To do that, you must develop your skills to manage all the challenges to come your way. Furthermore, the length of stay in residential treatment is essential because, during recovery, you’re going to see yourself go up and down.

    You will see yourself struggle, but that’s nothing new at this point. Fortunately, residential treatment is a place where you can learn a lot. One of the things you learn is how to step up to the plate when life throws you a curveball, as your striking out as is. Think of us as a coach, and we have to get you ready for the game.

    Time is essential, and life doesn’t offer you enough. Life is a complete journey, and the journeys in recovery require time and dedication. You need to be more prepared to handle the challenges that will come. You should learn how to address these challenges even more so after treatment. We can all use the best support and guidance when facing unforeseen events and situations. So we will leave you with this question; is the length of time in residential treatment the most important question?

    The residents at Villa Oasis begin their journey by looking into their own goals for wellness and healing and are best equipped to handle challenges that come their way by using our navigation tools. Furthermore, suppose you continue to wonder why it’s essential to stay a specific time-frame and residential treatment. In that case, we are here to clear up those questions. Reach out to Villa Oasis at (323) 739-8673.

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