What Is Holistic Treatment in Recovery?

What Is Holistic Treatment in Recovery?

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    Holistic treatments’ purpose is to balance your body. The goal is to remove nasty toxins and negative energies away from you. If you’re fighting those demons, this treatment could be for you. The bulk of controversy surrounding holistic treatment goes like this; you swear by it and have complete faith in it, or you think it’s total witchcraft. Some residents report tremendous results through holistic treatment. Some residents chose different paths of recovery, and that too is fine. Either way, both sides of the debate around the controversies of holistic treatment can agree on one common denominator; the element of healing.

    Strap in Little Ones, First We Will Cover the History

    Okay, so we know there’s a controversy between alternative treatments and scientific approaches to treatments, but here’s a newsflash: they both work. There are many reported success stories to just write it off as a fluke. What makes this treatment effective is its ability to identify a root problem that leads to substance use. Resolving the root problem builds the necessary blocks for your stairway to long-term healing.

    The word holistic derives from the Greek term whole or “holo.” Holistic treatments existed long before a bunch of lab coats decided we all were going to take pills. The practice of holistic healing worked in cultures predating our own and to prove that society is still here today.

    Cavemen and Holistic Treatment

    Long long ago, some cavemen used holistic treatment from the medicinal properties of plants, incorporated the elements of biological energies, and managed to remove toxic environments or unwanted symptoms, all by these primitive holistic techniques. Even ancient philosophers like Hippocrates encouraged self-healing and wholeness by using holistic options. He was known as the father of modern scientific medicine, so how can he be wrong?

    Holistic treatment has been around longer than we have been able to write. At one point, it was the only way to find healing. Bringing holistic treatment together with modern approaches helps residents like you succeed in a more well-rounded recovery. Doesn’t that sound better?

    Tools and Holistic Treatment Options in Recovery

    Holistic treatment options offer the ability to prioritize your treatment for sustainable recovery based on you. For example, one path a resident can take may incorporate expressive art therapy, including:

    • Motivational interviewing
    • Yoga
    • Hiking therapy
    • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
    • Nutritional education

    With the nature of holistic treatment, there are almost unlimited options. Each path has its unique way of encompassing whole body healing dedicated to you.

    Mindfulness Meditation

    Another tool that one may use is mindfulness. Plain and straightforward, mindfulness helps you regain balance, retain focus, or, better yet, concentrate on the complete healing of oneself. Holistic treatment is not polarizing but instead a resource. Combined with other approaches, it addresses substance use at its core. Some residents find holistic healing options to help manage their mindset to avoid anxiety and stress, all of which are part of the vicious cycle of substance use.

    Let’s say you incorporate personal training physical fitness into your daily routine. As you know, it’s been proven when you exercise day-to-day, your body responds naturally to heal accordingly. Obviously, over time, the body builds resilience to boost your immune system. Some addiction recovery programs will take full advantage of physical fitness and exercise. Simply to increase your motivation and to feel better. It leads to becoming healthier, and clearly, that’s a more prosperous path.

    Finding Well-Rounded Recovery With Holistic Healing

    Holistic treatment aims for a well-rounded self-sustaining recovery and provides a specialized emphasis on whole-body care. Holistic healing best prevents substance use because residents focus is on their personal needs. In this form, it is a way to obtain absolute healing. With the way you’re looking right now, you’re going to need a whole bunch of that.

    People who are addicted need some way to fill their time and needs. Typically, they will pay attention to one need over the other rather than address the root of the addiction. The holistic treatment provides a growing interest in overall health, handles all your needs at once, and provides you with an unquestionable focus for healing. You don’t even have to think about it. We do it for you.

    We are not telling you that you won’t find an incident or two burning in a therapy room because that sort of stuff is pleasant. We’re not saying that you won’t be pulled into a room by some therapist using a sound bowl for tonal holistic treatment because that stuff is pleasant. The point is holistic therapy encourages full-body healing and is relevant to your health, more than what you’re doing now.

    You can take power over your life by practicing holistic treatments. At Villa Oasis, our various forms of holistic treatment can offer you new value and resolution. We want you to have sustainable recovery with a fresh approach and a new perspective on your life. Our various treatment methods support your journey to whole-body healing. You will prioritize a new fondness and balance for life. No one will force you to choose a farmers market over a pharmacy but more so guide you into a desire for better choices.

    You may find our holistic healing approaches are the right fit for you and your loved ones. Here, we help you escape the previous you. We want you to choose the new you, a better you, and a complete you. For more information on how you can rise from the ash and begin a new journey, contact Villa Oasis at (323) 739-8673.

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