Why Starting New Hobbies Is Good for Addiction Recovery

Why Starting New Hobbies Is Good for Addiction Recovery

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    One of the best parts of living in recovery is the endless opportunities await you after treatment. You are in a unique position where you can start living your life your way. This newfound freedom means finding things to be passionate about and ways to have fun without using the substance you were addicted to. One thing you might consider doing is picking up a new hobby. There are plenty of reasons why starting a new hobby during recovery can be beneficial. This article will touch more in-depth on some of these ideas.

    A Perfect Time to Try New Things

    Recovery becomes a time to blaze new paths and start new chapters in life. You have worked hard and now have an excellent opportunity to start fresh. Trying something new can be a significant step forward. Now is the time for positive experiences and to try something different from what you are used to doing. Trying new things can get you out of the rut that might have been a part of your addiction. Trying something unfamiliar can allow you to reclaim your life, who you are, and what you do.

    Plenty of Open Time During Sobriety

    Before treatment, you might have dedicated a lot of time to substance use. Now that you aren’t using that substance anymore, you need to fill in that space, which is especially important because boredom can lead to relapse. Relapse often occurs because a person has nothing else to do and might turn to alcohol or drugs as a form of entertainment. Those in early recovery need to keep themselves busy. Choosing a new hobby can give you something to do that can fill in that space. Your unique interests might allow you to fill your calendar with meet-ups and activities, allowing you something better to turn to.

    A Great Way to Make New Friends

    Recovery might also mean trimming down or changing your social circle. There might have been people in your social life that were a part of your substance use. It’s common for people not to want to hang out with former acquaintances because of the fear of relapse or because certain people are no longer enjoyable to be around sober. Joining a new hobby can allow you to meet new people to fill in those gaps. You can even choose to meet up with a specifically sober group. There are plenty of sober groups that dine out, play sports, do crafts, or play games without putting you in a position of potentially breaking sobriety.

    An Opportunity to Learn a New Skill

    Recovery is a great time to learn new things. During this time, people might learn new skills for work, finances, nutrition, and physical fitness. Taking on a new hobby can also be another opportunity to learn something new. Try not to be afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something you aren’t fully confident you can do. You may just surprise yourself and accomplish a feat you never thought possible.

    A Way to Rebuild Self Esteem

    Sometimes people shy away from new hobbies because they doubt their abilities. For instance, they might not want to join an intramural sports team because they don’t see themselves as athletic. People may not want to try something artistic because they don’t see themselves as capable of creativity. Often, individuals place themselves in categories based on criticism they received in the past. Someone once told them they were terrible at these things and had no potential to be better. After a while, they, unfortunately, internalized that belief. Trying something new gives you a chance to challenge those criticisms. Many then find out they aren’t fantastic at this new thing, but they aren’t that bad either. They have been hard on themselves before, but they’re giving themselves a chance this time.

    A Way to Get the Family Involved in Your Recovery

    Your loved ones might feel lost in your recovery and their place in it. You might have family members that want to support you but don’t know how to. They also might wish to spend quality time with you. The great news about hobbies is that many of them can incorporate others. If you plan to try something new, consider inviting your family to join. They might have a blast. This invitation and experience allow you to spend quality time with each other, have positive experiences, and bond over this shared hobby.

    New Hobbies to Consider Trying

    Hobbies you could pick up include:

    • Yoga
    • Intermural sports
    • Knitting
    • Gardening
    • Woodworking
    • Hiking
    • Learning a new language
    • Learning to cook
    • Photography

    Recovery is a great time to try new things. Before recovery, you might have been apprehensive about trying something new. Now that you’ve gone through treatment, you’ve probably experienced an enormous transformation. Your self-esteem has been positively impacted, and you’re entering the world as a new and changed person. Take advantage of this newfound confidence and pick up a new skill or try a new sport. You’ll be happy that you did.

    If you would like to learn more about starting new hobbies or some ideas for new things to try, Villa Oasis San Diego is here to help. Life after treatment is all about discovering the world and discovering yourself. There is so much to try and experience, and now you have the time to do so. Take advantage of these opportunities today. For more information, call us at (323) 739-8673

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